Our training is customized to meet the specific vision, values and culture of your organization.
Our programs are lively, interactive, informative and entertaining. Particpants return to work with tools and strategies for becoming more productive, effective and successful.
Workplace Training
Training Topics
Leadership and Management Training
The Leadership Challenge
The Leadership Pickle
The Key Characteristics of Leadership
It’s Okay to be the Boss
Peer Today Boss Tomorrow
6 Steps to Performance Mgmt.
Communication Skills for Managers
Difficult Conversations
Self-Coaching for Managers
Engaging and Motivating Employees
The Unified Team
Running effective meetings
Employee Training
Emotional Intelligence
The Essentials of Effective Communication
Surviving Organizational Change
Attitude Virus: Curing Negativity in the Workplace
Developing Conflict Resolution Skills
Wellness Training
Stress Management Skills
Caring for the Caregiver
Attitude of Gratitude
Women's Empowerment
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Training for Healthcare Workers
Stress Management for Healthcare Professionals
The Leadership Challenge for Healthcare Professionals
Compassion Fatigue
For details, pricing, questions, or to book a workshop,
please contact us at: Janine@JanineFriedman.com.
Success is a Choice.