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  • Writer's pictureJanine Friedman, Executive Coach

Increasing Self-Awareness Is the Key to Getting 'Unstuck'

Updated: Aug 20, 2022

I often hear clients complain of feeling 'stuck' in the way they view and experience their work and personal lives. Often, that keeps them from figuring out how to have a meaningful career and a happier life. In a recent presentation, I spoke about the power of Emotional Intelligence and the need for self-awareness to become ‘unstuck.’

Self-awareness takes time so I wanted to share some of the tools I use in my coaching sessions to help my clients get 'unstuck'. The first step is to focus on these four elements:

1. Strengths: Our strengths come naturally and easily to us so we often fail to recognize them as such. Asking another person, such as a colleague, boss, or coach what they believe your strengths are can be very beneficial. Or, consider taking a strengths finder assessment online.

2. Values: Values represent our core beliefs about what is important in life. In a work setting, your values are expressed in various ways. For example, if you are leading a team, they are looking to see if you are walking your talk. Your talk is your values, and your own behavior must match what you say you care about.

Regardless of whether you manage others, it’s important to align your activities with your values. Look at your daily calendar and how you are spending your time. It’s also important to keep your values top of mind when you are interviewing for a new role or making any major life changes.

3. Passions: Our passions are the things we are excited and curious about. We could talk about them all day and would gladly spend time every day learning more about them. They keep us motivated and give us boundless energy and focus. To determine your passions, start by listing specific things you are curious about and then looking for intersections and commonalities among them.

4. Purpose: Our purpose is what we were put on this planet to do. It combines our passions and strengths in an effort to help others and make the world a better place. Those who are clear on their purpose see the greater meaning in their work and have a good sense of what career to pursue.

Gaining more clarity around your strengths, values, passions and purpose can help you grow your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), find more fulfillment in the work you do, and lose that ‘stuck’ feeling once and for all.

My purpose as a coach is to guide my clients on a journey of self-discovery so they can be more successful at work and happier in life.

If you are ready to take the next step, contact me for a complimentary coaching session.

“Empowerment begins when people realize they have a choice.” Janine Friedman, Owner and founder of Choice Training and Coaching Solutions, Inc. is an executive and leadership coach and holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designation from the International Coaching Federation. She empowers executives to improve their performance, address their challenges, and achieve their goals through customized coaching and training.

To learn more about her background click here. To schedule a FREE exploratory coaching session, click here.

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