3/6/2022 marked nine years since I officially launched Choice Training and Coaching Solutions. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone.
I thought I’d take a moment to share a little about what got me here.
I never set out to be a business owner/entrepreneur. However, I had been given the opportunity when I was working as the director of training and coaching at Employee Support Network, an employee assistance program provider based here on Long Island, NY. My boss and mentor at the time, Stacey O’Connell, asked me to open a separate business to handle the overflow of demand we were experiencing for the coaching and training programs I was offering.
I was flattered, and thought, “why not?” I had my own coaching practice when my kiddos were little, so I was familiar with the process of incorporating.
Unfortunately, just as I had started Choice, Stacey lost her incredibly inspiring battle with breast cancer. Heartbroken, but wanting to help, I stayed on with another co-worker to tie up the loose ends in her business. Unfortunately, by the time that was complete, the pipeline for Choice from ESN had dried up.
I was now faced with the scary task of growing my client list from scratch.
I became a coach because I always knew my purpose was to help others. Because of my background running a corporate HR department, employee and leadership coaching and development was a natural fit.
Sales and marketing, however, have never come as naturally to me. Instead, I’ve tried to lead by example, with a laser focus on making strong connections and showing potential clients what I do as a presenter and coach. I’ve shared as much free content as possible and am always looking to grow in this area so that I don’t become another coaching statistic. Sadly, coaching businesses fail at a rate of 82 to 96 percent.
I’m proud to say I have made it through the pandemic without qualifying for any federal support and have been able to help thousands of busy executives be more successful and fulfilled at work without losing the work/life balance they crave. It always amazes me that although clients seek me out for work challenges, they typically experience a huge improvement in their relationships with their family as an unanticipated and extremely valuable outcome.
I’m thankful for all who have let me into their lives as a trusted coach and success partner, and to all those who have helped me along the way (you know who you are).
I’m looking forward with much gratitude and excitement to celebrating a full decade at Choice next year!
“Empowerment begins when people realize they have a choice.”
Janine Friedman, Owner and founder of Choice Training and Coaching Solutions, Inc. is an executive and leadership coach and holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designation from the International Coaching Federation. She empowers executives to improve their performance, address their challenges, and achieve their goals through customized coaching and training. To learn more about her background click here. To schedule a FREE exploratory coaching session, click here.